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Selected ESIA, ESG, IESC & Sustainability Assignments

Who We Are - ESG, IESC, Mining, Decarbonization, Renewables

Prizma is an niche ESG, ESRM, ESIA, IESC, IE, IMG, GRI, SASB, TFCD, SDG, IAM, ISDS and Sustainability advisory practice focused on projects in emerging and frontier markets.

Allison Rippin Armstrong (Canada)

Senior ESG & Sustainability Advisor

Denes Bulkai, PhD (Hungary)

Senior Environmental & Social Expert

Timothy McLaughlin (Vietnam)

Senior Social Performance Advisor

Rachel A. Aron

Social Development Advisor

Dr. Don Proebstel (USA)

Senior E&S & Biodiversity Advisor

Mark King (UK)

Snr ESG, ESMS & Policy Associate

Felipe Yanes (Chile)

Senior Renewable Energy Advisor

Oliver Nazari-Witt (USA)

ESG Consultant

Patricia Darez (Chile)

Senior Renewable Energy Advisor

Elizabeth Freele (Canada)

Social Performance Advisor

Dr. Rana Aly El Abbady (Egypt)

HSE Consultant & Trainer

Luisa Montes (Mexico)

Environmental Economist


Our clients range from developers to development banks.


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